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Understanding Time Asleep with Your Brain Tag#

Your Flowttime Brain Tag helps measure one of the most important aspects of sleep: Time Asleep.

Time Asleep refers to the total amount of time your body and mind spend in a restful, sleep state. This is crucial for your overall well-being, as getting enough sleep helps your body recover, improves your memory, and boosts your mood.

The Brain Tag tracks this by monitoring your body's natural signals throughout the night, including:

  • Brainwaves
  • Heart Rate
  • Body Temperature
  • Body Movement

Once it detects that you’ve fallen asleep, it starts counting the minutes and hours until you wake up.

It’s important to note that the Brain Tag doesn’t just track the time you’re lying in bed. It specifically measures when you’re truly asleep. This helps provide you with more accurate insights into the quality and duration of your rest, so you can better understand your sleep patterns.